Ramin Malikov. Oncologist, Pediatric oncologist

Doctor Ramin Malikov was born in 27.10.1982
2000-2006 Azerbaijan Medical University -treatment and preventive faculty, Baku,Azerbaijan

2006-2007 Oncology Dispancer – internship, ,Baku,Azerbaijan

2012 -2013 Uludag University -Pediatric surgery, ,Turkey

2014 march Uludag University -Oncology course, ,Turkey

Department of Pediatric Surgery

The Department of  Children’s Clinic  at the amidst NOC ( National  Center of Oncology) has been operating as a separate  department since the date of 01/09/2013 / .In this department the surgery of oncology  patients is realized  in all spheres accordingly. The operations are conducted by the highly skilled  specialists  on appropriate spheres, such as abdominal  cavity , chest , urology , gynecology , brain surgery, support  and movement system.

Contact with  Ramin Malikov : National Center of Oncology.
Tel number: +994 50 790 55 67

Ramin Məlikov. Situation in Azerbaijan on pediatric oncology disease.

Doctor Ramin Melikov. Pediatric oncology disease

Dr. Ramin Melikov Pediatric oncology disease . saglamTV.

“LİFE İS GOOD (TV PROGRAMME)” Pediatric Oncology

 Болезнь Ракa Онкология. Онкологи Oncology. Cancer
 Jamil Aliyev. National Center of Oncology
ƏhlimanAhliman Amiraslanov. AMU Department of Oncology
İsa İsayev Professor. Radiotherapy
Fuad Ədalət Quliyev
Nazim Quliyev.Oncologist
Niyazi Asgerov.  Abdominal Onkologist
Əbülfəz Soltanov. Toracal surgen-onkologist
Ramin Melikov  Pediatric oncology

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